Title: Postdoctoral Fellow/Project Coordinator
Groups: Project Personnel
Dr. Woomee L. Kim received her Ph.D. degree at George Mason University, specializing in International Education and Interdisciplinary Studies. Woomee’s dissertation research topic is on Global Online Teacher Professional Development. Currently, she is working as a Project Coordinator for ACE-STEM, a National Professional Development Grant project funded by the US Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition. Also, she is a graduate research assistant for Mason’s GOTEC, Global Online Teacher Education Center. At GOTEC, she is involved in multiple international teacher professional development projects sponsored by the US Department of State’s Online Professional English Network Programs. She earned her MA in Teaching English as a Second Language from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2001 and has taught in secondary and higher education institutions, both within the United States and abroad, including South Korea and Myanmar. She is a certified secondary English teacher from the state of California since 2009, and has earned a preliminary administrative credential in 2013 and a Teaching Online Certificate in 2017.